When Opposites Align: Why Structure is the Key to Creativity


Years ago, working on a new project but feeling a little stuck in the process, I confided in my mentor at the time that I was trying to stay in ‘the creative zone” and away from looking at anything operational or financially led in order to keep the purity of the project and its creative intent in place. “Bullshit” he called me out. “You’re afraid to look at those elements because of what you might not want to see. You’re just using this creativity versus structure argument as an excuse. Both need to be working alongside each other at all times!”

Of course he was right. 

I see it all the time. I experience it myself. The push and pull between creativity and structure is very real, but if we’re making our creativity a business and not a hobby, we need them to work hand-in-hand to deliver the best results. The reality is that while structure and creativity are often viewed as enemies, keeping yourself in the realm of one will only remove you from the resources the other has to offer. 

I have clients who say they are too creative for the numbers side of things or they don’t want to jeopardise their art by becoming too businesslike. When we dig a little deeper, however, there’s usually another truth hiding in the numbers... they’re not paying themselves adequately or they’re avoiding tough decisions around their business and the reality of its current viability. Completely understandable! When we tackle that zone though and put easy-to-use processes in place, then a huge amount of space and clarity opens up more time to create! 

They say that you should create with the heart and build with the mind. And while bringing a fine-tuned and goal-oriented structure to your creativity doesn’t quite sound like a picnic, the greatest outcomes arise from working within restraints. Without a roadmap, how can you reach your destination? We should not mindlessly follow a generic plan but consciously design one with our own specific goals in mind. In doing so, our processes will be tailored to help our own brand of creativity and not limit it. 

So how do you set up these processes? 


The following are some basics from my strategy session “Your Creative Business Roadmap” that can help you build the structure you need. This workshop is designed to ensure all areas of your business are in a position to move forward cohesively and successfully after a number of sessions together. These tips are by no means equivalent to the deep dive and consequent business mapping undertaken in that workshop, but are invaluable pointers to get you started. 

1. Audit

Not just the numbers! Dissect your business under the following pillars: vision and brand, financials and operations, product and design, sales and marketing, and finally, integrity and sustainability. It’s essential to lay everything out. 

2. Review

Get a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. You need to recognise your key opportunities but also identify the gaps and risks involved so that you can establish appropriate actions and framework. 

3. Plan

For the short-term and the long-term. It’s essential to outline a calendar that not only incorporates targets for each of your pillars but also includes schedules that align them, ensuring each is working together towards your goals. 

While all this can be a complex process in itself, the end results should be a simple roadmap that allows you to achieve more by focusing on less! 

A good structure is one that makes reaching your goals essentially inevitable. If you’re looking for someone to show you the way, please contact me for a free consultation.